International cooperation

The globalisation of economic relations worldwide is leading to greater interconnection and dependencies, which are also reflected in agriculture and rural areas. Our actions in Central Europe have a global impact. We are therefore under a responsibility for our actions, which we face up to in our projects in Germany and Europe.

We promote global learning from each other through projects that use our knowledge in the areas of sustainable land use, agricultural policy or rural development to make it transferable to other regions. We counsel local partners on the implementation of approaches such as regional development. We do research together with partners from neighbouring countries of the EU and worldwide in order to learn from their experiences and jointly gain new insights.

Contact person at IfLS: Simone Sterly (sterly[at], 069/9726683-15)


Projects in the field

Research and development

Study: ‘Agricultural and rural transformation in Europe’

Agricultural and rural structural change indicates a long-term process of transformation regarding social and economic aspects, in which the primary sector becomes less significant compared to the secondary and third sector. Causes underlying are of…

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Synergies between conservation and food security

The UN estimates that one billion people suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition. In the past, mainly natural disasters triggered food crises. Today it is the combination of natural and human causes. High food and commodity prices were…

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Information, knowledge transfer and education

Territorial development programs in Germany

The arrangement of governance and institutional structures is a main success factor in implementing integrated rural development programs. This study analyzes German and European approaches and structures regarding integreated rural development in…

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Experience with the more recent communal and regional policy in the European Union: A typical LEADER project concerned with small business development

The EU and most of its member states have, for many years, provided financial assistance to those regions that have to cope with more adverse conditions or that are less competitive in the European Market. The moves towards economic and monetary…

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Supporting LEADER implementation in Georgia – EMBRACE Tsalka

The project “EMBRACE Tsalka” aims to reduce rural poverty and improve living conditions in Tsalka municipality, Georgia, through the LEADER approach. It addresses economic, social, and environmental concerns by improving agricultural competitiveness,…

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Regional and structural policy in South Africa. Country study: Analysis of the structural and regional development strategies and visions of the nine provinces

The desk study was linked to the overall aim of the constitutional development process in South Africa (RSA) and to policies aimed at decreasing inter and intra-regional disparities and at promoting socially and economically balanced development.…

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