The IfLS contributes to the cross-national synthesis and analysis of ex-post evaluation reports from the 2007-2013 EAFRD funding period as a partner. The study is coordinated by the Ecorys consultancy company and is an assignment within the overarching Framework contract for evaluation studies of the CAP.
Ex-post evaluation reports on the EAFRD Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) are available only at Member State (MS) level, respectively regional level in some MS. Based on these national and regional reports on the funding period of 2007-2013 that were submitted to the European Commission by the Managing Authorities in charge, the project aims at providing a cross-national identification of success and failure factors in the implementation of RDPs. Insights into commonalities/differences between RDPs as well as conclusions and recommendations are intended to serve as a basis for policy design in the post-2020 period. Furthermore, preliminary results are to feed into the EU Commission’s Communication on ‘Modernising and Simplifying the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)’ at the end of 2017.
Work consists of two major steps: (1) a cross-national synthesis of ex-post evaluation reports with regard to the Common Evaluation Questions (CEQs), and (2) a cross-national analysis in terms of the evaluation themes of effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance, and EU added value of the RDPs.