Project details

Target fulfilment monitoring and evaluation of plant protection product reduction and organic farming in accordance with the Baden-Wuerttemberg Biodiversity Enhancement Act - "BW Biodiv"

On 22 July 2020, the so-called "Biodiversitätsstärkungsgesetz" (Act for the Strengthening of Biodiversity) was passed by the state parliament of Baden-Wuerttemberg. In this law, the existing Nature Conservation Act ("NatSchG") and the existing Agriculture and State Culture Act ("LLG") were amended. The law was preceded by a round table of the Baden-Württemberg state government with representatives of the nature conservation and land use associations as well as the initiators of the petition for a referendum "Save the Bees", and basic principles for the "Biodiversitätsstärkungsgesetz" were developed.

After more than two years, the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuerttemberg (MLR) has commissioned the IfLS to evaluate the implementation of the measures and concepts taken, which fall within the MLR's area of responsibility. The focus is on the one hand on monitoring the fulfilment of the objectives of the "Biodiversitätsstärkungsgesetz" and on the evaluation of measures for the reduction of pesticides and the expansion of organic farming in Baden-Wuerttemberg.