The RegioWertGeBen project aims to develop innovative and practicable approaches to strengthen regional, organic communal catering. The project works in two pilot regions - Ludwigsburg-Stuttgart and North Hesse – and uses the example of the vegetable sector. The aim is to support organic farming in the regions and contribute to supplying the population with organic food.
Firstly, the project partners will take stock of the regional food systems of the vegetable sector in the pilot regions. Secondly, they will determine the potential for increasing the proportion of organic (vegetables) in the community supply through regional value chains. Based on this, communication measures to promote interaction and cooperation between actors in the regional value chains will be analysed and evaluated and solutions to bridge existing gaps in the value chains will be developed. Finally, the partners will evaluate existing and new solutions and develop recommendations for action and communication measures for regional actors in the food system and policy recommendations for the regional, state and federal levels. The project is a practice-oriented project with a focus on joint knowledge development between researchers, practitioners and civil society actors.
The Department of Business Adminstration for the Agricultural and Food Sector, the Department of Consumer Research, Communication and Food Sociology, both Justus-Liebig University Giessen, as well as the Center for Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Regional Development at the University of Kassel and the organic model region Ludwigsburg-Stuttgart are working together on the project. The Institute for Rural Development Research e.V. is coordinating the project.
Please find further information on our project website.