IfLS contributes to the study as a sub-contractor. As a first step, this entails the compilation of an inventory of existing producer organisations (PO) and associations of producer organisations (APOs) in Germany. As a second step, IfLS carries out a survey among a sample of German and Austrian POs and APOs in the agricultural sectors focused on (olive oil, beef and veal, arable crops). The objective of the overall EU-wide survey is to gain a comprehensive overview of the activities covered by existing POs and APOs in the various Member States and agricultural sectors. Furthermore, the study comprises an analysis of specific examples of POs and APOs. The study is coordinated by the Ecorys consultancy company.
Background of the study is the adoption of Regulation No. 1308/2013 (‘CMO Regulation’) by the European Parliament and the Council in the context of the 2013 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The Regulation contains derogations from competition rules applying to joint sales by POs and APOs in the olive oil, beef and veal and arable crops sectors (Articles 169, 170 and 171), aimed at improving farmers’ position in the supply chain. So far, there is no EU-wide inventory of POs and APOs nor recent information on the activities pursued by these organisations, their benefits and the challenges faced.