Project details

Strategies and measures for climate protection in agricultural land use in the context of the CAP

In a project financed by the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, the Institute for Rural Development (IfLS) dealt with the question of how climate protection is addressed in Germany with measures of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP).

Starting point was a literature review on which climate protection goals Germany has committed itself to, on the sources of greenhouse gas emissions in connection with agriculture and on possible approaches for climate protection in agricultural land.

The central analysis concerned the evaluation of rural development programmes (EPLR) of the German states in the current funding period 2014 to 2020 (2nd pillar of the CAP). Furthermore, initiatives were researched that promote carbon storage outside the EPLRs. Instruments of the 1st pillar of the CAP were also described.

The analyses resulted in suggestions for future support measures.