In accordance with the criteria for nature parks in Germany, the IfLS is preparing the first nature park management plan together with the Reinhardswald Nature Park after its foundation in 2017.
Beginning with existing data of the founding period, a survey, a data evaluation as well as a needs and SWOT analysis, the plan identifies paths to the future. These are upgraded and further developed both in terms of content and concept. A special focus lays on the regional division of labor, which still needs to be found especially since the nature park has just been founded. The nature park has and needs good cooperation and division of labor, e.g. with the regional tourism structures or the forestry and ESD actors.
Therefore, the nature park planning is carried out within the framework of a participation process with regional decision-makers and expert partners in order to work out common approaches. In relevant areas, the public is also involved in the creation of the management plan.
In addition, the IfLS supports the application within the context of the VDN's Nature Parks Quality Campaign.