Diverse demands on the forest and uses are associated with different interests, including those of forestry and nature conservation actors, which require a fact-based dialogue. The goal of sustainable, near-natural forest management is to balance the dimensions of ecology, economy and social issues while at the same time maintaining the multifunctionality of forestry. Particularly in the area of tension between climate change and other challenges, we, as a society and as experts, are called upon to find joint solutions for balancing interests.
The NaBioKom project deals with the question: How can nature parks and biosphere reserves as communication platforms support and promote the dialogue process between regional actors of nature conservation and forestry? In dialogue processes, solutions capable of compromise are to be developed that more strongly link the ecological, economic and social dimensions and thus better reconcile the demands of nature conservation and economically viable forest management. These approaches should reflect a common understanding of multifunctional and near-natural forest management in which these actors find themselves. As a result of the process, both substantive and methodological approaches are planned, such as a selection of suitable and tested procedures for the reconciliation of interests.
The IfLS implements the dialogue processes together with team ewen, project partner for communication and mediation, and the four practice partners in the real labs. The Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park, the Bergstrasse-Odenwald Geo-Nature Park and the Rhön and Thuringian Forest Biosphere Reserves are participating as real laboratories.
Further information on the project website: nabiokom.ifls.de