With a partnership of 26 research organisations from 15 countries this project will provide a complete overview of the research that has been carried out, particularly in Europe, on the different aspects related to the multifunctionality of agriculture.
The essential approach adopted in this initiative is founded on the premise that for agriculture to be sustainable (and considered consequently, as a pillar in sustainable development) its multifunctional dimension must be acknowledged and promoted.
The concept of multifunctionality finds itself embedded in a broad research context, covering a broad and diverse range of research approaches, scientific disciplines and social practices. It is important to structure and assess previous research work within a global framework of multifunctionality and sustainable agricultural development in order to identify relevant questions for future research. This is the role of Multagri.
To do so six steps will be followed:
- Evaluating the state of the art of current research.
- Further analysis and understanding of ongoing research.
- Identifying the main institutions and networks involved in this sort of research, inside and outside Europe, with special attention to EU candidate countries.
- Identifying the different disciplines and scientific approaches that are providing knowledge and conceptual background to this area of research.
- Providing a conceptual and analytical framework.
- Formulating the main lines of recommendations for future research.
The project is coordinated by Cemagref, Paris (F).