Studies have shown that the demand for investment support is lower in regions with marginal agricultural productivity than in favoured areas. This is especially true for the support of agricultural investments (‘Agrarinvestitionsförderungsprogramm’ – AFP) and the support of investments for diversification (‘Förderung von Investitionen zur Diversifizierung’ – FID). A written survey among farmers in six model regions in Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate provides information in order to analyse if a need for investment support is given. If so, for what kind of investment - related to farm size, agricultural business branch and location - is it given? The survey includes not only relatively big and competitive farms with farming as primary income source, but also smaller farms and those with farming as secondary income source. Those can often be found in regions with marginal agricultural productivity, where they not only have a relevant share in agricultural production, but also contribute to the preservation of cultural landscapes and an active rural life, e.g. with direct marketing and tourist offers. However, since only little information is available about these smaller farms, e.g. about their operational structures, respective data is collected via the survey. From these results and from interviews with experts from advisory offices, administrative bodies and interest groups can conclusions be drawn regarding the existing need for investment support. Also, recommendations for actions can be derived for the responsible authorities to adjust development programmes accordingly.
The project is mainly funded by the Rentenbank (‘Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank’) and by grants of the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.