Project details

EU-wide LEADER Evaluation – Case Study Germany

On behalf of the European Commission, the study investigates the contribution of LEADER to a balanced territorial development. For this purpose, it draws on document analyses, online surveys and case studies, including expert interviews with a wide range of stakeholders in 36 Local Action Groups and 14 Rural Development Programmes in ten member states.

The Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS) is responsible for conducting the case studies in Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony). The aim is to provide a broad overview of LEADER implementation and to enable an evaluation of the approach that takes into account both the diversity of framework conditions and implementation methods in the different regions and member states.

The following focus topics are examined:

  • The underlying causal mechanisms responsible for the success or failure of LEADER.
  • The effectiveness of LEADER in terms of social, economic, and environmental impacts.
  • The relevance of LAGs and the LEADER approach in meeting local needs
  • The efficiency and coherence of implementation, including a consideration of the differences arising from the option of a multi-fund CLLD approach
  • An assessment of the EU added value of LEADER.