Project details

Actor networks and multifunctional spaces for art, culture and creative work in rural regions - AMuRaKK

The research project investigates how art, culture and creative workers are integrated into actor networks and how they develop, use and design multifunctional spaces together with local civil society actors and municipal administrations in rural regions.

Multifunctional spaces, such as multi-functional houses or community centres, bring together different actors as well as cultural, social and economic offers in one place. Multifunctional spaces counteract structural deficits in rural areas with regard to the provision of cultural offerings and strengthen cultural participation. The project therefore aims to identify networks of actors and key players in art, culture and creative work and to determine the relevance, function and usefulness of multifunctional spaces for these networks.

On the basis of four qualitative case studies in regions with a less favourable socio-economic situation in Saxony, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia, these modes of action and functioning of actor networks and multifunctional spaces will be investigated in the context of various regional and social influencing factors. In doing so, the conditions for success and obstacles to action of actor networks and multifunctional spaces as resilience factors for rural areas will be identified.

The research results are processed application-oriented  and fed back to the practice partners. Guidelines for key actors will provide support for local project partners and actors interested in establishing multifunctional spaces nationwide. The research results also flow into policy-making through recommendations for political and administrative framework conditions for the promotion of art, culture and creative work, cultural engagement and cultural participation.