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Journal article on the requirements of digital participation in rural regional development

The journal "Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research" has published an article from the recently completed research project "DigibeL – Perspektiven und Einsatzmöglichkeiten digitaler Beteiligungsverfahren in der ländlichen Regionalentwicklung“. The article entitled "Sociotechnical infrastructuring for digital participation in rural development: A survey of public administrators in Germany" is based on the results of an online survey of representatives of ongoing or already completed regional development processes, including LEADER, Land.Digital, Smarte.Land.Regionen and Land(auf)Schwung.

The project team explores the question of what, in the view of the key actors surveyed, are the requirements for digital participation of citizens in processes of rural regional development. The conclusion is that participation does not primarily depend on technological infrastructure (broadband access and IT availability). Rather, the importance of the socio-technical infrastructure is emphasised, i.e. also human and administrative resources as well as cross-actor cooperation in digitally supported development processes. This is discussed in the article under the aspects of "digital readiness", "digital willingness" and "digital activity".

Abstract and further information:

Contact person at the IfLS: Sarah Peter (peter[at]