With the Biodiversity Strengthening Act passed in 2020, the state of Baden-Württemberg has set itself ambitious targets for 2030, such as increasing the area of organic farming to 30% - 40% and reducing the use of pesticides by 40% - 50%. After more than two years, the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuettemberg (MLR) [link in German] has commissioned the Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS) to evaluate the implementation of the measures and concepts that fall within the MLR's remit. The IfLS involved two experts in the evaluation of pesticide reduction (Prof Sabine Andert, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences and Prof Bärbel Gerowitt, University Rostock), who involved students in the work and supervised a member of staff at the IfLS.
The evaluation concludes that the fulfilment of the reduction targets in Baden-Wuerttemberg is promising in the area of plant protection. However, it is recommended that the impact triangle "IPSplus" - "pesticide reduction" - "biodiversity" be communicated even more strongly in future. Methods and results should also be described more clearly and comprehensibly in reports on reducing the quantities of pesticides used.
In the area of organic farming, important impetus was provided by projects financed via the budget of the "Organic from Baden-Wuerttemberg" action plan, which was also further developed in 2020, as well as other measures. The focus here was on supporting farms in converting to and maintaining organic farming, the partial conversion of training and experimental farms and the promotion of a wide range of projects to establish regional value chains, including community catering. However, efforts are still needed to expand from pilot projects in the value chain. Good coordination and cross-departmental cooperation are also important, as is the role model function of the state.
The final report [in German] was published by the MLR on its website.
Contact: Heike Nitsch (nitsch@ifls.de)