Typ: | Beitrag zu Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden | |
Titel: | New ways in the management and valorisation of natural resources? Results of a comparative analysis of a sample of agriculture-environment projects of the Regional Action programme in Germany |
Autor/en: | Knickel, K., Kröger, M., Peter, S. |
Zusatz: | In: Changing European farming systems for a better future: New visions for rural areas. Wageningen (NL): Wageningen Academic Publishers, 414-418 |
Erscheinungsort: | Wangeningen |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2006 |
Zitierhilfe: | Knickel, K., Kröger, M., Peter, S.: New ways in the management and valorisation of natural resources? Results of a comparative analysis of a sample of agriculture-environment projects of the Regional Action programme in Germany. In: Changing European farming systems for a better future: New visions for rural areas. Wageningen (NL): Wageningen Academic Publishers, 414-418. Wangeningen 2006. |