Publication details

More than just a factor in transition processes? The role of collaboration in agriculture


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More than just a factor in transition processes? The role of collaboration in agriculture


Schiller, S., Gonzalez, C., Flanigan, S.


In: Sutherland, L.-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson, G.A. & Zagata, L. (Eds): Transition pathways towards sustainability in agriculture: Case studies from Europe, CABI Publishers, 83-96

Place of publication: 

Wallingford, UK

Year of publication: 



Schiller, S., Gonzalez, C., Flanigan, S.: More than just a factor in transition processes? The role of collaboration in agriculture. In: Sutherland, L.-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson, G.A. & Zagata, L. (Eds): Transition pathways towards sustainability in agriculture: Case studies from Europe, CABI Publishers, 83-96. Wallingford, UK 2014.