Project details

Tools4CAP: Support decision-makers with policy tools

Tools4CAP - which stands for “Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions” - is a four-year project funded with 4 million Euros by the Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation. It will support the implementation of the National Strategic Plans 2023-2027 for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and lay the foundations for a sound preparation of post-2027 Strategic Plans.

The overall ambition of Tools4CAP is to support the design, implementation and monitoring of the CAP Strategic Plans by stimulating Member States to adopt methods and tools adapted to their needs. The project will empower policymakers in the governance of the CAP towards the green transition and achieving the set-out objectives. It will provide quantitative and qualitative solutions, including modelling tools with forecasting capabilities, participatory decision-making and multi-governance tools, and new data and monitoring solutions. The project expects to demonstrate the potential of different innovative solutions which can accommodate a diversity of needs through 10 case studies.

Coordinated by ECORYS Brussels, Tools4CAP engages a wide range of partners from 16 EU countries with expertise in economic, environmental, climate and social issues, new data sources and monitoring technologies, as well as in stakeholder engagement, social, environmental, and animal welfare-related data and indicators, in agricultural and rural development contexts. IfLS will coordinate WP 3 on participatory decision-making and multi-governance tools and will contribute to the stock-taking of models and tools (WP1), the development of the replication lab (WP5) and the capacity building hub (WP6).

Project information and results can be found on the project website:

Project no.: 



Research | Agricultural policy |


European Union, Horizon Europe

Executing Organization: 

Ecorys Brussels



Contact person/s at IfLS: 

Simone Sterly

Project management: 

Carla Wember, Sarah Peter