Project details

Mid-term evaluation of the EU Structural Funds in Berlin (Objectives 1 and 2)

In the course of the mid-term evaluation, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, benefits and sustainability of the interventions by the EFRE, ESF and EAGFL funds in accordance with the objectives of the operational programmes of the federal state of Berlin (OP) are to be assessed. Furthermore, changes of strengths and weaknesses as described in the OP will be demonstrated for the promotion area.

Another subject matter of the study is the quality of the monitoring and implementation of the measures by the authorities and institutions concerned with the realisation.

Insights gained from the evaluation are to provide the basis for the recommendation of measures for possible alignments of the interventions for the promotion period of 2003 to 2006.

Project no.: 



Evaluation | Rural areas |


Administrative Body for Economy, Labour and Women, Berlin

Executing Organization: 

Institut für Ländliche Strukturforschung e.V.


2002 - 2003

Contact person/s at IfLS: 

Jörg Schramek