Project details

Ex-post evaluation of the LEADER+ programme 2000-2006 in the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate

In 2002 the European Commission authorised the 2000-2006 period of the LEADER+ programme supported by the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate. Seven Local Action Groups (LAGs) were given access to support within the framework of a statewide competition: Hunsrück low mountain range, Mittelrhein river, Mosel river, Moselfranken region, Westerwald and Vulkaneifel low mountain ranges, and the central southern Pfälzer Wald nature park.

In July 2007 the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture (MWVLW) of the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate, within the scope of a tender procedure, commissioned the IfLS to carry out the ex-post evaluation of the LEADER+ programme.

The LEADER joint initiative, as a rural development programme, is characterised by particular features, which are also relevant regarding evaluation. These features include, for instance, a territorial approach allowing for the specific potentials and requirements of the region concerned. Furthermore, there is the opportunity of an active participation by local actors and of connecting activities – i.e. the integrated cross-sectoral approach. Therefore, the Rhineland-Palatinate LEADER+ programme will be evaluated regarding its quantitative results and impact on the one hand and its efficiency on the other hand. Additionally, the programme will be evaluated taking into account its particular features, which constitute the LEADER approach’s value added. Central sources of information to be used for evaluation include semi-structured interviews with LAG managers, dialogue with regional actors as well as interviews with projects’ responsible bodies and beneficiaries.

Project no.: 



Evaluation | Regional development |


Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate (MWVLW)

Executing Organization: 

Institut für Ländliche Strukturforschung e.V.


2007 - 2009

Contact person/s at IfLS: 

Jörg Schramek