Project details

Elaboration of the Local Integrated Rural Development Strategy for the LEADER Region Erbeskopf

The Local Action Group (LAG) Erbeskopf has been a recognized LEADER region in Rhineland-Palatinate since 2007 and is now applying for recognition for the third time for the new LEADER funding period 2021-2027. For this, a new region-specific Local Integrated Rural Development Strategy (LILE) is required, which builds on the previously created LILE of the 2014-2020 funding period, but is expanded to include current topics and fields of action. These are based not only on the changed regional challenges and framework conditions of rural regions, but also on higher-level strategies such as the European Green Deal, the goals of the National GAP Strategic Plan and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as supra-regional planning and concepts. For the Erbeskopf region, the close interlocking and overlapping with the Hunsrück Hochwald National Park represents a special feature that must be taken into account in the development of the strategy.

The development process takes into account the change in participation culture and, in addition to face-to-face workshops, relies on digital participation formats and online communication/collaboration tools.

The process is divided into the following implementation steps:

  • Online survey of regional stakeholders and multipliers
  • Field of action related presence workshops in the region
  • Description of the initial situation, socio-economic regional analysis, SWOT and needs analysis
  • Ex-ante evaluation
  • Strategy development and mission statement
  • Action plan & implementation concept

The strategy process will take place over the course of eleven months from March 2021 to February 2022.

Project no.: 



Conception | Regional development |


LAG Erbeskopf

Executing Organization: 

Institut für Ländliche Strukturforschung e.V.


2021 - 2022

Contact person/s at IfLS: 

Dr. Ulrich Gehrlein, Svea Thietje

Project management: 

Dr. Ulrich Gehrlein, Svea Thietje, Hanna Kramer, Lewis Taylor