Project details

Analysis of administrative burden arising from the CAP

The general objective of this study is “to examine the costs and administrative burden, including the effectiveness and efficiency, of the systems in place to manage and control a large share of CAP expenditure.” This means that the study should analyse and assess in-depth the different forms of IACS, LPIS and related control mechanisms in place across the EU. As such, the analysis should then contribute to the reflections on simplification and improvements of the systems and procedures for the management of the CAP implementation. While the general objective is to gather insight relevant for the whole EU, it is expected to do so by focusing on a representative selection of at least 12 Member States, which allow the extrapolation of  findings to the EU level. The main part of the analysis are 12 case studies from the Member States of the European Union, in which the costs of introducing IACS, the sources of these costs and the possibilities for improvements in 9 thematic areas will be assessed. Each case study combines a quantitative cost component with a qualitative description and analysis. The analysis will then be carried out in a comparative manner to allow conclusions and recommendations at EU level.

IfLS carries out the case study in Germany / Bavaria on behalf of ECORYS Belgium.

Project no.: 



Research | Agricultural policy |


European Commission, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development

Executing Organization: 

Institut für Ländliche Strukturforschung e.V.



Contact person/s at IfLS: 

Simone Sterly