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How can participation processes in rural areas be designed digitally?

This question is the focus of the research project Perspectives and Possible Applications of Digital Participation Processes in Rural Regional Development - DigiBeL, which starts on April 1, 2020. The project will be funded over the next three years as part of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture's "Rural areas in times of digitalisation" funding measure. Together with the Institute for Media Research (IfM) at the TU Chemnitz (Prof. Christian Pentzold), the IfLS aims to analyse how digital methods are used in processes of rural regional development.

Specifically, the aim is to find out how analogue and digital formats and procedures can be combined sensibly and efficiently. The effects of digitisation and mediatisation on communication methods, social organisation and institutions in rural regional development processes will be examined.

The project team will accompany four to six regional development processes in different regions of Germany as case studies. These will cover different types of processes such as LEADER, integrated rural development, ERDF/GRW (regional management), nature parks, biosphere reserves, or rural upswing, and different thematic focuses such as economy and infrastructure, nature and environment, or demography, social issues and participation. The findings will result in recommendations for action and policy to strengthen the effectiveness of rural regional development processes.

Contact person at IfLS: Simone Sterly (sterly[at]