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Final report online: Testing and further development of the operational recording of the social and ecological performance of organic farming

One aspect of the overall regiosöl project for the period from 1 June 2021 to 30 April 2022 was the testing, analysis and further development of the Regionalwert (RW) instruments based on data collection on 61 organic farms in the pilot regions of Rhineland and Northern Hesse, supplemented by additional regiosöl criteria. This was largely developed by Regionalwert AG Freiburg in cooperation with Regionalwert Impuls GmbH.

The methodological approach focuses on the recording and presentation of the relevant performance of organically managed farms at farm level with the RW instruments. The existing key figures of the RW instruments were supplemented by the additional social and regional indicators defined in the regiosöl approach. It is true that the approach of the overall project with a focus on societal, regional performance differs from the single-farm focus of the RW instruments. However, with the up to 300 key performance indicators and their evaluation with the regional value sustainability analysis (NA) and regional value performance calculation (LR), conclusions can be drawn at the regional level in addition to statements on operational sustainability.

In particular, the report addresses the following issues:

  • Structural characteristics - Characterisation of the groups to be investigated
  • Evaluation in groups - Significant differences
  • Testing and analysis of the methodology of the RW instruments - Correlations and weightings as well as threshold values
  • Evaluation of the regiosöl key figures
  • Feedback from farmers and further development of the RW instruments
  • The entire final report is available at IfLS - References - regiosöl - Materials & Results.

Contact persons at IfLS: Simone Sterly (sterly[at], Ribana Bergmann (bergmann[at]